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Bulk_ Rnaseq_Counts_File_Annotations

Files containing bulk RNA count matrix data [Source]

Key Key Description Type Valid Values DependsOn Required Source Module
assay The technology used to generate the data in this file STRING rnaSeq,scrnaSeq True NGS
reference_set A set of references (e.g., canonical assembled contigs) which defines a common coordinate space for comparing reference-aligned experimental data. STRING GRCh37,GRCm38,MMUL1.0,HRC,1000 Genomes phase 3,GRCh38,dmel_r6.06 False NGS
nucleic_acid_source STRING bulk cell,bulk nuclei,single cell,single nucleus True NGS
file_format Defined format of the data file, typically corresponding to extension, but sometimes indicating more general group of files produced by the same tool or software STRING fastq,count matrix,bam,csv,xlsx,txt,pdf,tsv False File_Annotations
data_subtype Further qualification of dataType, which may be used to indicate the state of processing of the data, aggregation of the data, or presence of metadata. STRING raw,aligned,processed,normalized,aggregated False NGS
data_type Types of input/output data in bioinformatics pipelines STRING genomicVariants,geneExpression True Sage Bionetworks NGS
resource_type The type of resource being stored and annotated STRING analysis,curatedData,experimentalData,metadata,report,tool True File_Annotations
sample_type rc2 sample type STRING pax_gene,pbmcs,biopsy,serum,whole_blood,dna,epithelial_organoid,bm_organoid,resected_tissue,plasma,unknown True Sage Bionetworks Biospecimen
site site identifier (BCH = Boston, LMU = Munich, HSC = Toronto) STRING BCH,LMU,HSC True Sage Bionetworks Clinical
media type of media STRING DMSO,FRZ,FORM,TCM,RNA,ORG False Biospecimen
filename Name of a file STRING True Other
individual_id individual identifier STRING True Clinical
sample_id sample identifier True
Component Category of metadata; provide the same one for all items/rows. True