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VEOIBD Biospecimen Metadata Template [Source]

Key Key Description Type Valid Values DependsOn Required Source Module
sample_key rc2 sample key (see RC2 Biopsys and Blood Flowcharts) STRING A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H True Sage Bionetworks Biospecimen
sample_type rc2 sample type STRING pax_gene,pbmcs,biopsy,serum,whole_blood,dna,epithelial_organoid,bm_organoid,resected_tissue,plasma,unknown True Sage Bionetworks Biospecimen
site site identifier (BCH = Boston, LMU = Munich, HSC = Toronto) STRING BCH,LMU,HSC True Sage Bionetworks Clinical
participant_id Integer code indicating the participant identity or familial relation to proband. 0 = proband; 1 = control; 2 = mother; 3 = father, ≥ 4 = sibling/secondary family NUM 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 True Clinical
project project identifier STRING RC2,munich,other,unknown True Biospecimen
inflammation inflammation status STRING inflamed,uninflamed,unknown False Biospecimen
media type of media STRING DMSO,FRZ,FORM,TCM,RNA,ORG False Biospecimen
specimen_area_biopsy biopsy location STRING transverse_colon,terminal_ileum,splenic_flexure,sigmoid_colon,rectum,pouch,left_colon,duodenum,descending_colon,cecum,ascending_colon,right_colon False Biospecimen
type_key rc2 tissue sample identifier STRING PG,PB,BX,SM,WB,DN,EO,BO,RT,PL,UK True Biospecimen
collection_date date collected (yyyy_mm_dd) STRING False Sage Bionetworks Biospecimen
volume volume in mL NUM False Biospecimen
local_id local identifier (max of 5 digits) NUM True Clinical
individual_id individual identifier STRING True Clinical
collection_age age at time of collection in years False
collection_id collection identifier True
collection_num ordinal code assigned to each specimen to distinquish between different collection dates True
sample_id sample identifier True
sample_num identifying number of sample collected (unique biopsy count # from same region or unique vial count of blood component) True
vial_label lable on vial True
Component Category of metadata; provide the same one for all items/rows. True